Equity and Racial Justice
Fully implement Obama Foundation’s “8 Can’t Wait” priorities
Protect underrepresented groups from racial injustice
Bring people together for dialogue to understand our differences
New two-year Temporary RV Safe Parking Program
COVID-19 and Public Health
Keep residents and business owners informed about County and State health orders
Safely provide city services and meals through our Senior Center, libraries, community centers, and other recreation programs
$2 million in funding for COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance
5 miles of “Safe Streets” closures
Ensure our local hospitals are prepared for new infection spikes or a second surge
Housing and Safe Streets
Support housing for all income levels, especially affordable housing for vulnerable groups like seniors, veterans and the homeless; and missing middle housing for young families and new residents
Encourage new housing in Downtown near transit, jobs and walkable businesses
Carefully balance neighborhood preservation with private property rights regarding upgrades like ADU’s and home additions
Prioritize traffic safety on Farm Hill, Edgewood, Alameda de Las Pulgas, El Camino Real, around parks, and across the city
Encourage new development near Caltrain and SamTrans to reduce the use of cars
Ensure Safe Routes to Schools when classes resume
Create more opportunities for pedestrians and bicyclists to safely use closed street with Slow Street Programs
Work with Redwood City Elementary, Belmont-Redwood Shores, Sequoia High School Districts, and Cañada College to implement distance learning, reopen safely and get our students back in the classrooms learning as soon as it is safe for children, teachers and staff
Use my professional experience as a teacher at Cañada College to help create training programs for unemployed residents who will need new career options
Rebuild Our Local Economy
$300,000 for small business emergency grants
Allow safe business operations outdoors
Help child care providers reopen safely
Support a safe return to work for local companies and get workers shopping and eating again in Redwood City